30th General Motors Chevrolet Presentation

Village of Elk Grove Village Jack Gray
Aug 30, 2023 06:25 PM 0 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2022
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Good morning members. It is time for me to beat you up regarding the above-mentioned topic. As of today, I only have 32 members registered for this important manufacturer presentation.

If you are one of our members that have not registered kindly do so ASAP.

If you do not have the time needed to have payment made by September 15 kindly just advise me, your intentions to attend and get the payment sent asap. You can also pay by Credit Card for a small $1.50 service charge.

Just to remind you that I need 50 attendees to meet the minimum requirement for the food and rental for the banquet hall.

Please remember that the highlight for this meeting is the presentation on the new

2024 Chevrolet EV Blazer PPV. (Police Pursuit Vehicle)

No there will not be one on display. Sorry.

Thank you for your consideration.






1 Subscribers
Village of Elk Grove Village Jack Gray
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Hello to all. MFMA will be hosting its annual Ford and GM Presentations in August and September. Both require a $35 Payment. For more information, please view the following documents.