Account Deactivation Email

Dec 04, 2023 10:42 PM 0 Answers General
Member Since Oct 2022
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Hello to all!

As part of the scheduled maintenance that took place late last week, all accounts were temporarily deactivated and reactivated as to backup all information. Emails were NOT supposed to be sent, but were after maintenance was completed.



If you received this email, your account is still active.



This was a technical error with the site emailer that is now fixed and should not reoccur during future maintenance times.


I apologize for any confusion caused and want to reiterate that everyone’s accounts are still active. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at




Casey Nathanson

MFMA Webmaster

1 Subscribers
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Hello to all. MFMA will be hosting its annual Ford and GM Presentations in August and September. Both require a $35 Payment. For more information, please view the following documents.