New UAW Information update.

Village of Elk Grove Village Jack Gray
Oct 16, 2023 05:47 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2022
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Ford UAW update.

"C:UsersjackgOneDriveDocumentsFORD UAW info 2023Ford Statement on Kentucky Truck Plant Work Stoppage _ Ford Media Center (2).pdf"

"C:UsersjackgOneDriveDocumentsFORD UAW info 2023Ted Cannis Message on KTP Strike 10.13.23finalfinpdf.pdf"

2 Subscribers
Village of Elk Grove Village Jack Gray
Village of Elk Grove John Zaba
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Oct 16, 2023
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Hello to all. MFMA will be hosting its annual Ford and GM Presentations in August and September. Both require a $35 Payment. For more information, please view the following documents.